Ray Bradbury



               Zaharoff/Richtcr Mark V


    In the twilight just before sunrise, it was the most ordinary-

looking building he had seen since the chicken farm of his youth. It 

stood in the middle of an empty field full of cricket weeds and cacti, 

mostly dust and some neglected footpaths in the half darkness.

    Charlie Crowe left the Rolls-Royce engine run-fling at the curb 

behind him and babbled going along the shadowed path, leading the way 

for Rank Gibson, who glanced back at the gently purring car.

    "Shouldn't you-"

    "No, no," Charlie Crowe cut in. "No one would steal a Rolls-Royce, 

now, would they? How far would they get, to the next corner? Before 

someone else stole it from them! Come along!"

    "What's the hurry, we've got all morning!"

    "That's what you think, chum. We've got-' Charlie Crowe eyed his 

watch. "Twenty minutes, maybe fifteen for the fast tour, the coming 

disaster, the revelations, the whole bit!"


    "Don't talk so fast and slow down, you'll give me a heart attack."

    "Save it for breakfast. Here. Put this in your pocket."

    Hank Gibson looked at the coupon-green diploma.


    "On your house, as of yesterday."

    "But we don't need-"

    "Yes, you do, but don't know it. Sign the duplicate. Here. Can you 

see? Here's my flashlight and my pen. Thatsa boy. Give one to me. One 

for you-"


    "No swearing. You're all protected now, no matter what. Jig time."

    And before he knew it, Hank Gibson was elbow-fetched through a 

paint-flaked door inside to yet another locked door, which opened when 

Charlie Crowe pointed his electric laser at it. They stepped into-

    "An elevator! What's an elevator doing in a shack in an empty lot 

at five in the morning-"


    The floor sank under them and they traveled what might have been 

seventy or eighty feet straight down to where another door whispered 

aside and they stepped out into a long hall of a dozen doors on each 

side with a few dozen pleasantly glowing lights above. Before he could 

exclaim again, Hank Gibson was hustled past these doors that bore the 

names of cities and countries.

    "Damn," cried Hank Gibson, "I hate being rushed through one god-

awful mystery after an-other. I'm working on a novel and a feature for 

my newspaper. I've no time-"

    "For the biggest story in the world? Bosh! You and I will write 

it, share the profits! You can't resist. Calamities. Chaos. Holocausts 


    "You were always great for hyperbole-"

    "Quiet. It's my turn to show and tell." Charlie Crowe displayed 

his wristwatch. "We're wasting time. Where do we start?" He waved at 

the two dozen shut doors surrounding them with labels marked 


    Eighteen ninety-seven, 1914, 1938, 1963 on the other. Also, a 

special door marked HAUSSMANN, 1870.

    "Places and dates, dates and places. How in hell should I know why 

or how to choose?"

    "Don't these cities and dates ring any bells, stir any dust? Peek 

here. Glance there. Go on."

    Hank Gibson peeked.

    To one side, through a glass window on the topmost part of a door 

marked 1789, he saw:

    "Looks like Paris."

    "Press the button there under the glass."

    Hank Gibson pressed the button.

    "Now look!"

    Hank Gibson looked.

    "My God, Paris. In flames. And there's the guillotine!"

    "Correct. Now. Next door. Next window."

    Hank Gibson moved and peeked.

    "Paris again, by God. Do I press the button?"

    "Why not?"

    He pressed.

    "Jesus, it's still burning. But this time it's 1870. The Commune?"

    "Paris fighting Hessians outside the city, Parisians killing 

Parisians inside the city. Nothing like the French, eh? Move!"

    They reached a third window. Gibson peered.

    "Paris. But not burning. There go the taxicabs. I know. Nineteen 

sixteen. Paris saved by one thousand Paris taxis carrying troops to 

fend off the Germans outside the city!"

    "A-One! Next?"

    At a fourth window.

    "Paris intact. But over here. Dresden? Berlin? London? All 


    "Right. How do you like the three-dimension virtual reality? 

Superb! Enough of cities and war. Across the hall. Go down the line. 

All those doors with different kinds of devastation."

    "Mexico City? I was there once, in '46."


    Hank Gibson pressed the button.

    The city fell, shook, fell.

    "The earthquake of '84?"

    "Eight-five, to be exact."

    "Christ, those poor people. Bad enough they're poor. But thousands 

killed, maimed, made poorer. And the government-"

    "Not giving a damn. Move."

    They stopped at a door marked ARMENIA 1988.

    Gibson squinted in, pressed the button.

    "Major country, Armenia. Major country-gone."

    "Biggest quake in that territory in half a century."

    They paused at two more windows: TOKYO, 1932, and SAN FRANCISCO, 

1905. Both whole, entire, intact at first glance. Touch the button: 

all fall down!

    Gibson turned away, shaken and pale.

    "Well?" said his friend Charlie. "What's the sum?"

    Gibson stared along the hall to left and right.

    "War and Peace? Or Peace destroying itself without War?"

    "Touche' !"

    "Why are you showing me all this?"

    "For your future and mine, untold riches, in-credible revelations, 

amazing truths. Andale. Vamoose!"

    Charlie Crowe flashed his laser pen at the largest door at the far 

end of the hall. The double locks hissed; the door sank away to one 

side, revealing a large boardroom with a huge table forty feet in 

length, surrounded by twenty leather chairs on each side and something 

like a throne, some-what elevated, at the far end.

    "Go sit up at the end," said Charlie.

    Hank Gibson moved slowly

    "Oh, for Christ sake, shake a leg. We've only seven more minutes 

before the end of the world."


    "Just joking. Ready?"

    Hank Gibson sat. "Fire away."

    The table, the chairs, and the room shook.

    Gibson leaped up.

    "What was that?"

    "Nothing." Charlie Crowe checked his watch. "At least not yet. Sit 

back. What have you seen?"

    Gibson settled in his chair uneasily, grasping the arms. "Damned 

if I know. History?"

    "Yes, but what kind?"

    "War and Peace. Peace and War. Bad Peace, of course. Earthquakes 

and fire."

    "Admirable. Now, who's responsible for all that destruction, two 


    "What, war? Politicians, I guess. Ethnic mobs. Greed. Jealousy. 

Munitions manufacturers. The Krupp works in Germany. Zaharoff, wasn't 

that his name? The big munitions king, the grand mullah of all the 

warmongers, films of him on the newsreels in cinemas when I was a kid. 


    "Yes! What about the other side of the hall? The earthquakes."

    "God did it."

    "Only God? No helpers?"

    "How can anyone help an earthquake?"

    "Partially. Indirectly. Collaboratively."

    "An earthquake is an earthquake. A city just happens to be in its 

way. Underfoot."

    "Wrong, Hank."


    "What if I told you that those cities were not accidentally built 

there? What if I told you w had planned to build them there, on 

purpose, to be destroyed?"


    "No, Hank, creative annihilation. We were up to these tricks as 

far back as the Tang dynasty earthquakewise on the one hand. Citywise? 

Paris 1789 warwise."

    "We? We? Who's we?"

    "Me, Hank, and my cohorts, not in crimson and gold, but good dark 

cloth and decent ties and fine architectural school graduates. We did 

it, Hank We built the cities so as to tear them down. To knock them 

apart with earthquakes or kill their with bombs and war, war and 


    "We? We!?"

    "In this room or rooms like it, all across the world, men sat in 

those chairs on the left and right, with the grand mucky-muck of all 

architects there where you sit-"


    "You don't think all of those earthquakes, all of those wars, 

happened by mere accident, pure chance? We did it, Hank, the blueprint 

urban-plan architects of the world. Not the munitions makers Or 

politicians, oh, we used them as puppets, marionettes, useful idiots, 

but we, the superb hired city architects, set out to build and then 

destroy our pets, our buildings, our cities!"

    "For God's sake, how insane! Why?"

    "Why? So that every forty, fifty, sixty, ninety years we could 

start over with fresh projects, new concepts, renewed jobs, cash on 

the line for everyone - blueprinters, planners, craftsmen, builders, 

stonemasons, diggers, carpenters, glaziers, gardeners. Knock it all 

down, start new!"

    "You mean you-?"

    "Studied where the earthquakes hid, where they might erupt, every 

seam, crack, and fault in every territory, stage, land in the world! 

That's where we built the cities! Or most of them."

    "B.S.! You couldn't do that, you and your planners! People would 

find out!"

    "They never knew or found out. We met in secret, covered our 

tracks. A small klan, a wee band of conspirators in every country in 

every age. Like the Masons, eh? Or some Inquisitional Catholic sect? 

Or an underground Muslim grot. It doesn't take many or much. And the 

average politician, dumb or stupid, took our word for it. This is the 

site, here's the very place, plant your capital here, your town there. 

Perfectly safe. Until the next quake, eh, Hank?"


    "Watch your language!"

    "I refuse to believe-"

    The room shook. The chairs trembled. Half out of his chair, Hank 

Gibson sank back. The color in his face sank, too.

    "Two minutes to go," said Charlie Crowe. "Shall I talk fast? Well, 

you don't think the destiny of the world would be left to your 

ordinary farm-beast politico, do you? Have you ever sat at

    a Rotary/Lions lunch with those sweet imbecile Chamber of Commerce 

stallions? Sleep an dreams! Would you let the world jog along wit 

Zaharoff and his gun-maker-powder experts? Hell no. They only know how 

to fire steel and package nitro. So our people, the same people who 

built the cities on the earthquake fault lines to ensure new work to 

build more cities, we planned the wars, secretly.

    "We provoked, guided, steered, influenced the politicians to boil 

over, one way or t'other, and Paris and the Terror followed, dogged by 

Napoleon, trailed by the Paris Commune in which Haussmann, taking 

advantage of the chaos, tore down and rebuilt the City to the madness 

of some delight of others. Consider Dresden, London, Tokyo, Hiroshima. 

We architects paid cold cash to get Hitler out of jail in 1922! Then 

we architect mosquito-pestered the Japanese to invade Manchuria, 

import junk iron, antagonize Roosevelt, bomb Pearl Harbor. Sure, the 

Emperor approved, sure the Generals knew delight, sure the kamikazes

    took off for oblivion, joyously happy. But behind the scenes, we 

architects, clapping hands, rubbing palms for the moola, shoved them 

up! Not the politicians, not the military, not the arms merchants, but 

the sons of Haussmann and the future sons of Frank Lloyd Wright sent 

them on there way. Glory hallelujah!"

    Hank Gibson exhaled a great gust and sat weighted with an ounce of 

information and a ton

    of confusion, at the head of this table. He stared down its 


    "There were meetings here-"

    "In 1932, 1936, 1939 to fester Tokyo, poison Washington for war. 

And at the same time make sure that San Francisco was built in the 

best way for a new downfall, and that California cities all up and 

down the cracks and seams nursed at the mother fault, San Andreas, so 

when the Big One came, it would rain money for forty days."

    "Son of a bitch," said Hank Gibson.

    "Yes, aren't I? Aren't we?"

    "Son of a bitch," Hank Gibson repeated in a whisper. "Man's wars 

and God's earthquakes."

    "What a collaboration, eh? All done by the secret government, the 

government of surprise architects across the world and into the next 


    The floor shook. The table and the chair and the ceiling did 


    "Time?" said Hank Gibson.

    Charlie Crowe laughed, glancing at his watch.

    ''Time. Out!''

    They ran for the door, ran down the hall past the doors marked 

TOKYO and London and Dresden, past the doors marked 1789 and 1870 and 

1940 and past the doors marked ARMENIA and MEXICO CITY and SAN 

Francisco and shot up in the elevator, and along the way, Hank Gibson 


    "Again, why've you told me this?"

    "I'm retiring. The others are gone. We won't use this place again. 

It'll be gone. Maybe now.

    You write the book about all this fabulous stuff, I edit it, we'll 

grab the money and run."

    "But who'll believe it!?"

    "No one. But it's so sensational, everyone will buy. Millions of 

copies. And no one will investigate, for they're all guilty, city 

fathers, Chambers of Commerce, real estate salesmen, Army generals who 

thought they made up and fought their own wars, or made up and built 

their own cities! Pompous freaks! Here we are. Out."

    They made it out of the elevator and the shack as the next quake 

came. Both fell and got up, with nervous laughter.

    "Good old California, yes? Is my Rolls still there? Yep. No 

carjackers. In!"

    With his hand on the Rolls doorframe, Gibson stared over at his 

friend. "Does the San Andreas Fault come through this block?"

    "You better believe. Wanna go see your home?"

    Gibson shut his eyes. "Christ, I'm afraid."

    "Take courage from the insurance policy in your coat pocket. Shall 

we go?"

    "In a moment." Gibson swallowed hard "What will we name our book?"

    "What time is it and date?"

    Gibson looked at the sun about to rise. "Early Six-thirty. And the 

date on my watch reads February fifth."

    "Nineteen ninety-four?"

    'Six-thirty a.m. February fifth, 1994."

    'Then that's the title of our book. Or why not

    Zaharoff add Richter for the earthquake Richter scale at Cal-Tech. 

Zaharoff/Richter Mark V? Okay?"


    The doors slammed. The motor roared.

    "Do we go home?" "Go fast. Jesus. Fast." They went.
